True & Personal Holiday "Tail"

My gift to you is this True & Personal Holiday "Tail" affirming the powerful love we share with our pets. I hope you take the time to read and enjoy its inspiring message. Happy Holidays from Dr. Jay Kumar.

As many of you know, I recently lost a very special and amazing soul in my life. Pico and I have spent so many Holidays together that his furry loving presence will be all the more painfully missed this year. I was recently and beautifully reminded that even personal grief and sadness can have a happy and heart-warming outcome. Here is why: The street next to the parking lot of my gym in Venice, CA is a haven for numerous homeless people. While it breaks my heart knowing that our society largely ignores these folks, I am even more disheartened seeing how many loyal canine companions faithfully stand by their side. 

A few days ago walking from my car to the gym a homeless man, Jeff, randomly smiled at me and said hello, while his sweet and adorable German Shepherd, Mandy, playfully wagged her tail. Jeff asked for no money, nor did it seem that he was angry about the circumstances that life gave him. I've probably driven by Jeff and countless other of nameless faces of the homeless a hundred times this year on my way to the gym, but for some reason, Jeff's disarmingly friendly smile and Mandy's warm eyes kept gnawing at me. Yesterday evening, the Holiday Spirit came over me in a way that I never knew possible. I happened to find Jeff and surprised him with a 50 lb bag of Pico's favorite dog food and a handful of favorite doggie treats that I would buy for Pico every Holiday. I gifted them to Jeff for Mandy and all the other homeless dog companions on the street. 

Needless to say it was a very emotional scene for everyone. I told them the grief of recently losing Pico, and they all shared stories about their own dogs. Many of the homeless people there said that what I did for their dogs was the best Holiday gift they ever could have received. It turns out, many of these homeless folks actually will feed their dogs first before even feeding themselves. When I heard that, my tears just flowed. I share this Holiday story letting you know that the loving intimate bond that we have with our animal companions is universal. The greatest Holiday gift this event has given me is knowing that out of every personal loss there is always the potential for compassion and love. I know that somewhere in doggie heaven Pico is wagging his tail and smiling in agreement! Happy Holidays to you all! 

Dr. Jay Kumar
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