Breathe Your Way To Health & Happiness with Dr. Jay Kumar

We all want to lead a happy and healthy life, but one key to cultivating health and happiness may reside in your brain, and more specifically with the power of your breath. You may be surprised to learn that recent advances in neuroscience and mind-body medicine offer a deeper understanding of how something as simple and abundant as the breath could be the possible answer for your health and happiness! A phrase I’ve always said: How we choose to breathe, determines how we choose to live. How we choose to live, determines how we choose to heal. How we choose to heal, determines how we choose to be.”

Let’s face it, most of us do shallow, anxious, quick breathing, i.e. not connecting our breath deep into the belly. Deep-belly breathing has now been shown in numerous studies to have a significant benefit on your neurophysiology, calming and soothing both your mind and body. When you connect and focus on your breath by taking deep and slow inhalations and exhalations, your nervous system and brain waves begin to come into balance and coherence. When your brain and body are in alignment you tend to cultivate the “four C’s” of calmness, contentment, caring and creativity. 

Many ancient healing traditions, such as Yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi, have all recognized that one of the simplest and most effective tools we have to alleviate stress and create more happiness in our life is to do deep-belly breathing. (Read more about the neurophysiology of deep-belly breathing in Breath Retraining, the Vagus Nerve, and Depression” by Dr. Fred Muench.) Recent medical studies also suggest that deep, conscious, deep-belly breathing might have the same effects anti-depressant medication!

According to a 2009 report by the Harvard Medical School, “a study compared 30 minutes of deep breathing, done six days a week, to bilateral electroconvulsive therapy and the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine in 45 people hospitalized for depression. After four weeks of treatment, 93% of those receiving electroconvulsive therapy, 73% of those taking imipramine, and 67% of those using the breathing technique had achieved remission.”  

So when someone says to you “take a breather,” there might actually be some medical merit to it. I find that one of the easiest ways to achieve greater calm in your day is to focus on your breath for as little as five minutes. As Dr. James S. Gordon, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Georgetown University Medical School, states, “Slow, deep breathing is probably the single best anti-stress medicine we have.”  Doing mindful, calm breathing exercises for just five minutes a day can begin to shift your emotional and mental health. So it just might be that focusing on your breathing, specifically on the quality and state of your breath, could be the key to unlock your potential for health and happiness!

WARNING: Slow, deep breathing may cause long-lasting side effects such as increased happiness, optimism, health, calm, and alertness. Consult your Self before beginning slow, deep breathing.)

Feel free to watch this Self-Guided Breathing Video to learn how to practice deep-belly breathing, alleviate stress, and experience greater happiness in your life.  Remember, happiness is not something that happens to you, but rather happiness is something you choose. 

Keep on Living Your Light

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar

Healing Power of Thought

So many of us want to experience more joy, happiness, and health in our life, however, wanting and actually experiencing wellbeing can be two very different matters. In the last blog entry I introduced the notion that health and happiness are intimately connected to our thoughts, and specifically how our thoughts literally rewire our brain. You can read more about that in the "Neuroscience of Health & Happiness." I continue the discussion by exploring how neuroscience additionally suggests that our thoughts play a vital role when it comes to our health and state of mind. Specifically, the key for you to experience genuine wellbeing resides in the power of your thoughts and in the emotional center of the brain.

I’ll give an example of just how powerful our thoughts can be on our brain and body. Scientists at Columbia University conducted an experiment where volunteers were connected to a PET (positron emission tomography) as part of a study to see how neurochemicals in the brain react to pain in the body. The people in the experiment received a pain-producing stimulus of minor heat on their arm. As predicted, the brain registered the pain and released opioids, a neurochemical that relieves pain. The same people were then told to apply a lotion on their arm that they believed was a new experimental painkiller, when in actuality it was just simple body lotion. When the volunteers received the same stimulus, the scientists discovered that higher levels of opioids were produced and secreted from the brain in response to the pain on the area of the arm where the placebo cream was placed. (Full article here)

To quote Dr. Tor Wager, the leading researcher of the experiment, “These results extend our knowledge of how beliefs and expectations affect the brain's neurochemistry and show that one's mental response to a challenge can affect the brain and body in ways that are relevant to health….Understanding these interactions can pave the way for new treatments that are informed by knowledge of mind-body interactions.” In essence this amazing research now validates the adage that our psychology does indeed influence our biology!

The point here is that science is only now beginning to understand the power of human thought, an idea that has existed for millennia in indigenous medical system and in spiritual traditions throughout human history. I’ve always believed that the next major scientific breakthrough will occur when we truly understand the vast capacity of human consciousness and how we ALL ARE HEALERS! As Dr. W. Ross Adey of the Brain Research Institute at UCLA rightfully declares, “The ultimate creative capacity of your brain may be, for all practical purposes, infinite.” I would like to amend his statement by saying, “The ultimate healing capacity of your brain may be, for all practical purposes, infinite. 

Always remember just how amazing, and incredible you are. The key to your health and happiness is to cultivate more empowering thoughts, intentions, words and emotions as part of your daily life. I will discuss more ways in which we can do this in the next blog. Until then, keep on Living Your Light® as you keep on Believing In Your Light!

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar

Discover & Live Your Soul's Purpose (LA Workshop Podcast) - 4/17/2011

How can you awaken and tap into your innate sense of happiness in all areas of your life? This podcast reveals how you can manifest your purpose in work, family, and personal life. Plus, discover what the latest trends in neurobiology and medicine have to say about happiness and the ways to achieve it. Enjoy the talk and keep on Living Your Light! Dr. Jay Kumar