"RED BRAIN VS. BLUE BRAIN” Do Republicans & Democrats Have Different Brains? (AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar 3_7_13 on Doug Stephan Good Day Show)

In light of the current partisan politics plaguing our nation, here's a fantastic and timely podcast exploring the neurobiological bases why Republicans and Democrats are literally wired to think differently. Learny why in this engaging, hot topic w Dr. Jay Kumar on the recent Doug Stephan Good Day Show. It turns out it's not "Red State vs Blue State" but "Red Brain vs. Blue Brain" that accounts for political partisanship in our political climate. Read more in article

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar 

AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar 5-10-12 Podcast- "Your Brain, Sex, and Relationships"

The big news about Obama "coming out" in support for same-sex marriage was the exciting hot topic with Dr. Jay Kumar on the Doug Stephan Good Day Show as we explored "Your Brain, Sex, and Relationships". Hope you enjoy this podcast as you learn what neuroscience has to say about human sexuality and the universal drive to be in relationships.

Awake and Enjoy!

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook - Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter - docjaykumar