Let Your Light Shine: Encouraging Words for Living Your Divine Purpose with Dr. Jay Kumar

I'm thrilled to have been the guest on last week's THE YOGA HOUR with Rev. Ellen O'Brian, as we discussed how the ancient wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita can have contemporary applications in your life for authentic health and wellbeing! A really great podcast that I know you'll enjoy.

Dr. Jay Kumar
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Living Your Light® - Reality Sandwich Interview "Female Perspectives on the Eastern Spiritual Traditions" (May 20, 2010)

Hear this week's radio show focusing on "Female Perspectives from the Eastern Spiritual Traditions". Guests, Marina Illich, PhD and Kulasundari Devi, MA, discuss how Tibetan Buddhism & Hindu Shakta Tantrism are paths to personal empowerment and to raising global consciousness, as they share their personal stories from time spent in Tibet and India.