HOW DOGS HELP US DE-STRESS (Brain Body & Being with Dr. Jay Kumar; May 2, 2013)

Next time you go to the airport, you might just find a professional canine companion to help you release the stress and anxiety of traveling. A new program at LAX airport, called PUP (Pets Un-stressing Passengers) is now in full swing. It turns out that therapy dogs are being used in tragedies like the Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston Marathon attacks more frequently in order to help us stressed-out humans cope with anxiety, trauma, and grief. Learn more in the recent podcast with Dr. Jay Kumar on the Doug Stephan Good Day Show

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar

The Powerful Bond between Dogs and Humans

Ever wonder why dogs become so passionately excited and lose control whenever they see you? It turns out the same neuro-chemicals released in a dog's brain after your absence are identical to those released in your brain when you're deeply in love. Pretty amazing! You wil definitely tear up watching this heart-warming compilation of dogs reacting to their human companions returning from military service. Enjoy and please feel free to share. 


Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar