True & Personal Holiday "Tail"

My gift to you is this True & Personal Holiday "Tail" affirming the powerful love we share with our pets. I hope you take the time to read and enjoy its inspiring message. Happy Holidays from Dr. Jay Kumar.

As many of you know, I recently lost a very special and amazing soul in my life. Pico and I have spent so many Holidays together that his furry loving presence will be all the more painfully missed this year. I was recently and beautifully reminded that even personal grief and sadness can have a happy and heart-warming outcome. Here is why: The street next to the parking lot of my gym in Venice, CA is a haven for numerous homeless people. While it breaks my heart knowing that our society largely ignores these folks, I am even more disheartened seeing how many loyal canine companions faithfully stand by their side. 

A few days ago walking from my car to the gym a homeless man, Jeff, randomly smiled at me and said hello, while his sweet and adorable German Shepherd, Mandy, playfully wagged her tail. Jeff asked for no money, nor did it seem that he was angry about the circumstances that life gave him. I've probably driven by Jeff and countless other of nameless faces of the homeless a hundred times this year on my way to the gym, but for some reason, Jeff's disarmingly friendly smile and Mandy's warm eyes kept gnawing at me. Yesterday evening, the Holiday Spirit came over me in a way that I never knew possible. I happened to find Jeff and surprised him with a 50 lb bag of Pico's favorite dog food and a handful of favorite doggie treats that I would buy for Pico every Holiday. I gifted them to Jeff for Mandy and all the other homeless dog companions on the street. 

Needless to say it was a very emotional scene for everyone. I told them the grief of recently losing Pico, and they all shared stories about their own dogs. Many of the homeless people there said that what I did for their dogs was the best Holiday gift they ever could have received. It turns out, many of these homeless folks actually will feed their dogs first before even feeding themselves. When I heard that, my tears just flowed. I share this Holiday story letting you know that the loving intimate bond that we have with our animal companions is universal. The greatest Holiday gift this event has given me is knowing that out of every personal loss there is always the potential for compassion and love. I know that somewhere in doggie heaven Pico is wagging his tail and smiling in agreement! Happy Holidays to you all! 

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar


Celebrating LOVE of SELF

There is a beautiful metaphor from the Eastern traditions that relates just as one can never truly describe the sweet flavor of an orange without tasting it…the same is true with love. One cannot begin to describe in words the joy and sweetness of love without tasting its fruit. Your first step to savoring the succulent and divine fruit of love in all aspects of life is to cultivate the powerful and all-encompassing relationship first to YOU by celebrating love of Self!

I often like to say that we are nothing more than “humans in divine play.” We are all aspects of a universal divine energy choosing to have a wordly experience in the physical body. Many of the religious and spiritual traditions of the world express the common belief that we are merely spirits, who consciously chose to incarnate into the physical plane in order to express and celebrate the divine and sacred love of creation. The Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, poetically describes that just as oil is present in every part of the olive, so too does love permeate all aspects of the universe. The way in which universe celebrates love is through YOU. Each and every one of you is a sacred aspect of divine creation, and you each carry within the divine spark of love that burns passionately at the core of your being.

Knowing that everyone embodies the eternal spark of divine love within, why is that so many choose to experience confusion, loneliness, fear, emptiness, drama or apathy in life? Why do you choose to close your hearts to the sacred universal love that, like the oil forever present throughout the olive, permeates all aspects of existence? To answer this question, I offer you a quote from the contemporary Buddhist teacher, Pema Chodron, who so accurately states in her very eloquent way, “The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we can look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, will we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes.”

The key to experiencing genuinely nurturing relationships and to receiving authentic love in your life occurs only when you are able firstly to embody and love unconditionally ALL those aspects within yourself that comprise your true being. Only by accepting compassionately without judgment all that you are–your light, your joy, your truth AS WELL as your pain, your vulnerability and your fears will you be able to extend unconditional love to all areas of your life and to all those in your life.

One of the fundamental tenets being advanced in the field of quantum physics is that the universe appears to operate on the “law of resonance and attraction.” Additionally, theories from cognitive studies and neuroscience suggest that your thoughts are just fluctuating energies of consciousness. Since the universe is fundamentally comprised of energies vibrating at various frequencies, the frequency of energy that your thoughts resonate on and the belief systems you project will attract that exact same energy into your life. Simply put, whatever you believe about your Self is exactly what you experience. Your thoughts, thus, literally do create your reality! The universe is nothing more than an objective and impartial mirror that reflects back on to you EXACTLY what it is you believe about the world and about yourself. If for example, you are vibrating on a frequency of fear or self-loathing, the universe will simply mirror back to you situations, people and relationships that not only match, but also reinforce these patterns and belief systems. If, however, you choose to resonate on the frequency and energy of unconditional love and abundance, beginning first with yourself, the universe reflects back on to you these qualities that, in turn, manifest in all aspects of your life– especially in your relationships!

This principle, known as the “law of resonance and attraction,” can easily be seen by a simple experiment. Placing two identical pianos in the same room, when you strike a key on one piano the exact same chord will begin automatically to vibrate in the other piano. This phenomenon of “resonance and attraction” occurs for you, as well, understanding that ultimately you, everyone else and the universe are governed by the same rules of physics. Just as the second piano mirrors back the same note from the first piano, similarly the universe and others reflect back to you whatever energy and frequency you emit. You attract what you resonate!

Your body also contains various energy centers, known in the Indian tradition as chakras. These chakras, although not physically visible, are the portals through which divine energy enters and manifests in the body. You can also think of these chakras as vibrating energy centers that, like the piano, emit frequencies. The chakra said to be located near the heart is known in Sanskrit, the ancient sacred language of India, as anaahata and loosely translates as “the place where nothing clashes or comes into conflict.” Only when you abide as an integrated whole honoring, accepting and truly loving all that you are, do you release all the clashing and conflict that you hold onto in your heart. Just as the pianos react to different frequencies, you also respond to every  vibration of energy produced by your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs you hold about yourself. When you are able to embrace all that you find in discord within you and hold in harmony all aspects of yourself that you carry in your heart, only then can you truly begin to taste the divine nectar of the fruit of love! As the medieval poet Rumi masterfully writes, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

I invite you to commemorate this Valentine’s Day by acknowledging and embracing all that you hold onto in your life that prevents your body, mind, heart and soul from truly opening to the power of love that is all around and permeates the very fabric of existence. Observe and become a compassionate witness to all those aspects in life that you notice acting as barriers for you to be in harmony with universe and your spirit. You may ask yourself, “What is it that I hold onto physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that prevents me from experiencing this divine love and joyous relationship with my divine being?” Again without holding judgment toward these barriers you carry within you, dedicate your Valentine’s Day to embracing and cherishing ALL THAT YOU ARE! For the more you can experience compassion and love to yourself, the more will you be able to revel in the love that awaits you! I think this quote from Leonardo Buscaglia sums it up quite nicely, "Love yourself. Accept yourself. 
Forgive yourself and be good to yourself. 
Because without YOU, the rest of US are without a source of many good things!"

Even though Valentine’s Day occurs once a year, why just let this day of the year be the one when you celebrate love. LET EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERY MOMENT of your life become an ecstatic and conscious celebration of LOVE, not only to others but also to that sacred and most important relationship of all–the one with your Self. As you honor the sacred and beautiful divine being that you are, may your love and light shine forth fully and brightly and know that the world would be a much dimmer place without you here! 

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook - Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter - docjay


AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar 1-19-12 Podcast- "Learn how to increase the value of your health and wellness capital"

"True wealth is not measured in money or status or power (or things). It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire." Cesar Chavez

Hear the latest podcast by Dr. Jay Kumar from the Doug Stephan Good Day Show as we explore how to "invest your health & wellness capital and increase the value of your happiness portfolio!"

Catch AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar every Thursday morning 6am PT/9am ET live at, or download the latest podcast from ITunes.

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook - Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter - docjaykumar


Personal & Planetary Awakening for 2012

“Almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everyone you see, everyone you talk to. Only a few people are awake and they live in constant total amazement.” – Movie Joe versus the Volcano


Learn what you can do to be part of the great global awakening on the planet! Download the most recent AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar podcast from the Doug Stephan Good Day Show. Tune in every Thursday 6am PT/9am ET to hear Dr. Jay Kumar help you to become awake in body, mind, heart and spirit!



Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook - Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter - docjaykumar

The Great Global Awakening

How many of you remember the lyrics to the famous David Bowie song, “Turn and face the strange…changes!” It seems that everyone is experiencing change on some level. All around us major transformations are occurring in humanity and around the planet. While I’ve explored the nature of change and why we can sometimes fear it in previous posts (full article here), many of us still might be confused, anxious, or even fearful of the monumental shifts happening all around.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Charles Darwin who says, It is not the strongest of the species
 that survives, nor the most intelligent,
 but the one most responsive to change.” In essence, change is inevitable! Ironically, change is the only constant of the universe and of life. The more we resist change, the more we suffer, the more we remain in fear, and the more we get stuck on the journey.

However, another way to view change can be as an awakening. One of my favorite movie lines comes from an old 1980’s film Joe versus the Volcano with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It goes, “Almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everyone you see, everyone you talk to. Only a few people are awake, and we live in constant and total amazement.” So when you can begin to see life not as a fearful and dreaded element of change, but as an adventurous, joyous, and exhilarating journey of awakening, that is when you truly start LIVING! 

Whether it was the Arab uprisings a few months ago or the current Occupy movement happening both here in the US and globally, one thing is for sure–the new emerging paradigm on the planet is about BECOMING AWAKE. Awake not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense of feeling alive, whole, vibrant, and most of all individually and collectively empowered. On the contrary, the old paradigm we’re releasing was about being ASLEEP by feeling disconnected, isolated, depressed, devalued, ignorant, and disempowered.

Humanity is in a time of tremendous transformation–all the current long-standing structures of the planet are transitioning as we awake to an emerging worldview of wholeness, interconnectedness, compassion, tolerance, and justice. In order for this shift to occur, all the old structures of separation, domination, oppression, nationalism, and fundamentalism have to come up in our collective consciousness so that they can be healed. Basically, “THE SHIFT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN – BIG TIME!” Depending on what side of the fan you’re standing on, that will determine how easily you’ll make the shift. If you happen to be standing on the side that fears all the changes, you might not like it when the “shift starts flying!”

A few weeks ago, I decided to experience this momentous awakening on the planet by spending a night at the Occupy Los Angeles movement. While there, I could palpably feel the energy and power of transformation taking place. People from all walks of life–students, educators, war veterans, architects, doctors, lawyers, and, yes, even a number of business people were sharing their voices by saying NO to the old ways and advancing social change. In essence, what was happening there at the Occupy LA site and what is currently manifesting around the world is an AWAKENING! In Eastern philosophy, the word for "one who is awake" is known as a Buddha. The renowned Buddhist spirtual leader, Thich Naht Hahn, nicely sums up this notion of global awakening by saying that the next Buddha is not going to be a person, but the actual planet and humanity! THE ENTIRE PLANET AND HUMANITY ARE THE NEXT BUDDHA.

Interestingly, the Biblical concepts of the Apocalypse and of the Revelation both derive from words that mean to “reveal, awaken, lift up the veil.” The word “apocalypse” derives from the ancient Greek verb apokalyptein "to uncover, disclose, reveal," which in the Latin version of the Bible became the word revelatio “to reveal, unveil, uncover, disclose.” So for all you doomsday types out there who fear the Apocalypse or the Revelation as the end of the world, to you I say, BEWARE, THE BEGINNING IS NEAR!”

As more of us become awake, the more this awakening accelerates around the planet. It only takes a small but dedicated few of us to be catalysts for humanity’s great awakening. As the noted anthropologist Margaret Mead once insightfully observed, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Always remember just how amazing and incredible you are, and just how joyous and magnificent life is. The key to navigating these times of change and transformation is to “change” your attitude toward change. Once you begin to understand that the personal and planetary changes are nothing more than humanity’s powerful awakening, you will be just fine! Keep on Living Your Light® as you keep on Awakening Into Your Light!

Dr. Jay Kumar
Facebook – Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter – docjaykumar

AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar 9-15-11 Podcast- "Living Life in Flow"

Check out the latest podcast from "Awake with Dr. Jay Kumar" on how to live life in flow!

As the wise Taoist philosopher, Lao Tzu, once famously declared, “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

May you continue LIVING YOUR LIGHT® on your adventurous river of life with ease, fun, and flow!


Dr. Jay Kumar
Twitter - @docjaykumar
Facebook - Dr. Jay Kumar  




AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar 5/5/2011 (Radio Show)

Check out the podcast of today's debut radio show "AWAKE with Dr. Jay Kumar!" In this week's show -

• Hear what the Dalal Lama had to say about the justification for killing bin Laden.

• What neuroscience says about the nature of compassion and empathy

• How you can become more AWAKE in body, mind, heart, and spirit!


Dr. Jay Kumar